Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Schooling of a Prophet

Between the vision he saw in the grove during the spring of 1820 and the evening of September 21, 1823, we have no evidence of Joseph Smith being visited by heavenly messengers. However, on that latter date after praying and retiring to bed, he found his bedroom becoming lighter. As the light grew in intensity, an angel appeared before him introducing himself as Moroni. He told the young man that he had been sent to deliver a message from God.

Joseph Smith was informed by Moroni that a book of golden plates bearing a history of earlier civilizations that had lived in this Western Hemisphere was buried not far from his family’s home. Also buried with these plates was a Urim and Thummim, a device used by prophets in ancient times to assist them in accomplishing various aspects of their callings. At some point, Joseph Smith learned that the final prophet to record his words upon the golden plates and bury the record until its coming forth in the latter days was Moroni himself. Further, Moroni quoted to Joseph Smith many verses of ancient Bible scripture for the purpose of increasing his understanding of the prophetic nature and the dimension of his calling.

Before noon the following day, Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith a total of four times. The substance of his message was repeated each time with varying additional information being given. While Joseph Smith was then shown the location of the buried records, he was not to receive them for an additional four years. However, he was instructed to return to the location of the buried records each year on the anniversary of this initial visit for the purpose of receiving further instructions as to his life’s mission. On September 22, 1827, Moroni entrusted the record and the interpreters into the young man’s possession. Once Joseph Smith had completed the translation of The Book of Mormon from the plates, he returned the record and the interpreters into Moroni’s hands.

These events gave Joseph Smith invaluable experience and were important preparation for his mission to restore Christ’s Church to the earth.

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